Chelsea Lately Finale

About This Project

Chelsea Lately Finale “Goodbye to E!”

After 7 seasons on E! in August 2014 Chelsea Handler ended her long running show, in typical Chelsea fashion, with a middle finger to E!  Opening with a monologue, Chelsea moved  on to a pre-taped skit naked in the shower  with Ellen Degeneres.   Then going on to the “Parade of Staff” featuring the “Gays”, “Jews” and “the Girls”.   Then on to a segment with Jennifer Aniston, Sandra Bullock and Mary McCormack doing a mock intervention on Chelsea.    Musical performances feature Miley Cyrus and 50 Cent.   Chelsea closed out the show with her version of “We Are the World titled “Goodbye to E!” featuring a cavalcade of stars, staff and friends.

  • Producers; Tom Brunelle, Sue Murphy
  • Director: Jim Yukich
  • Lighting Designer: Lee Rose
  • Lighting Director: Casey Rhodes
  • Production Designer: Jeff Hall
  • Art Director: Ben Zelle
  • Location: Universal Studios Stage 1


Talk Show
50 Cent, Chelsea, Chelsea Handler, Chelsea Lately, Chelsea Lately Finale, Chelsea Lately series finale, Chuy, E!, Finale, Jennifer Aniston, Lee Rose, Lee Rose Designs, Lee Rose Lighting Designer, Mary McCormick, Miley Cyrus, Sandra Bullock, Universal Studios, Universal Studios Stage 1